Named Non-Owner Liability Car Insurance in California

Ok- obviously not art related at all, but I’ve looked all over the internet and couldn’t find anything helpful so I thought it might be useful information to put out there.

As some of you know, we are using the car crash as a cue and trying out life without owning a car.  Unfortunately, we are not people who don’t need a car at all and so we have been using City Car Share as well as renting cars about 3 days a month.  We’re also renting a car for 5 weeks to drive to and around Utah.

We also just learned a couple things about renting a car in California:

1. It’s illegal to drive a car without liability insurance

2. Car rental companies here do not include any state-required liability insurance into the base price of their rental cars.  Apparently, California, from what I have read, is the only state where this does not happen.  So, if you live in another state and have been buying liability insurance through your rental company, you should know that what you are buying replaces and adds on to what is already included in your rate.  I would still check with your specific company to find out if this is true, but it seems to be.  We use our credit card for our collision insurance.  Again, you still need to check with your credit card to find out what your terms are because they vary a lot.  We use Amex Blue (which we specifically got for it’s good rental car coverage)

So- 5 weeks of buying insurance at $13 a day is a lot.  What other options are out there, you ask?  Well, there are Named Non-Owner policies.  These policies are for people who drive either rentals or other people’s cars.  It is an insurance plan for the person, not the car.  However, you can only do this for cars that you do not own.

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Need to prove you’re right? Check the internet.

We’ve all had the moment of having an argument and going to the internet to prove (or disprove) your theory.  Oliver’s made a quick solution for every situation or discussion.  Argument over.  The internet has proved your point.

just enter your name and then

Here’s an example:

Want your full name?  Just use a period for every space.



If it seemed at all confusing before, with periods and no periods, Oliver’s made it easier.  Now just go to and there is a little form to fill out and it will make you the link as you fill in the form.  Click the link and you are good to go.

For all the Nerd Companions out there:

Oliver sent this to me: A Handbook for the Nerd Companion

A New day


Welcome to a new day for optimism.

Photo courtesy of Stephanie Hanson

There are reasons that I love the Bay Area

Cause you can at the last minute go camping very close by and it looks like this:





New Years are good.

The end of the year is always crazy- holidays, getting sick, and a TPG release.  But for some reason, this year it seemed even crazier.  Maybe in part because our car was totalled by a drug-crazed lunatic, we did a show in LA and we were leaving for the holidays even earlier than normal. When we got to my parents house, we got crazy sick, but in the end had a long, forced rest that we badly needed.

And now it is a new year!
Here are some of the things we’re looking forward to:

*Another year of making great projects happen!  TPG9 already in the works!
*We’re taking the car crash as a cue and testing out life without owning a car.
*We’re gonna work from home in a different place: 1 month in Utah
*We are going to let more people know about TPG. One way or another. We love this project- it needs to be able to sustain.
*Exercise and healthy living.
*Finish some projects and organize our life.
*Perhaps we will unveil our next level of TPG projects.  TBD.

It’s gonna be a good one.


A beautiful wedding

Congratulations to our friends Alex and Petter on their happy day



Dear Artists, we’re sorry.

To all those whom have submitted this round, we are very sorry that we haven’t fulfilled our promise to make our decision by the end of October.  We will be working on it this week and will get back to you soon.  Thank you for your patience.  We’ve had some life events pop up that have postponed our decision.


Eleanor and Oliver

Snack time

While I couldn’t do too much sitting when I hurt my back, I could do some standing activities. So I made fig-plum jam and have ever since been enjoying this tasty treat: blue cheese and warmed fig-plum jam on crackers. I know this isn’t really in the spirit of this blog, but I love this so much, I thought I would share.


The recipe for the jam is after the jump. Continue Reading »

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Lego Hello World
I wish all my printers were made of legos.

LIFE photo archive hosted by Google
Images from Life Magazine going back to 1860′s, hosted by Google

Coming Face To Face With The President
Well crafted story about an under-heard point of view.

In California, Pot Is Now an Art Patron
A new funding source for the arts – reaping big rewards and funding many projects.  It’s pot.

Notes on Portraiture in the Facebook Age

Celebrity Book Club: A List to End All Lists
Because, well, it’s sortof awesome.

Are "Artists' Statements" Really Necessary?
The pros and cons about that nemesis for most artists.

This to That
You tell it what you’ve got and it’ll tell you what to glue them together with.

Work of art: Online store for buyers, sellers
Not the TV show!  Kelly Lynn Jones from Little Paper Planes is interviewed on her project, gives us a cheat sheet to local affordable art resources.

How to make a Daft Punk helmet in 17 months