Annotated Links: Center for Missed Connections Information Initiative: Artists working with missed connections and acting as think tanks
March 27th, 2010 by eleanor - Annotated Links CMC TPG13
Ingrid’s Links: -Public transit specific Missed Connections site -This was an artist team’s project that gave me the first opportunity to explore Missed Connections research, and has been certainly influential in the development of the CMC.
Missed Connections as inspiration for Artwork:
Missed Connection Intervention: Barnes and Noble 2 of 3, 2008
Craigslist Missed Connection ad taken from online and written on letters that where slipped randomly into books.
Paul Short’s Missed Connection Interventions. He goes back to the places of the missed connection and inserts the message in place.
I Saw You.. A Comic Book Anthology of comics by over 100 artists with the subject of missed connections.
Missed Connections Live: A video web series by actress Melissa Center and produced by LBM Productions. Each episode is centered around one Missed Connection post. They act out both the actual missed connection post and sometimes the aftermath.
Sophie Blackall: a New York Illustrator working with Missed Connections
Greenpoint Laundromat, Sophie Blackall. 2010 Prints available on etsy
Cartoonist Adrian Tomine has his own take on Missed Connections, produced through OMG Posters!
A Musical:
Steve Lambert interviews a variety of people who have used Missed Connections
“Status Update”: a show of art that has come out of social networking. Curated by Debbie Hesse with the support the Arts Council of Greater New Haven, the show was displayed at Haskins Laboratories, a private nonprofit group affiliated with Yale and the University of Connecticut that specializes in communication: mainly speech, language and reading research.
Artists as Think Tanks, Organizations, and Companies:
Dominic Willsdon describes an unrealized project by Jon Rubin to create “The Bastard Academy” a mock think-tank intended to be built on the Standford campus between the art department and the Hoover Institute. Courtesy of the Anecdote Archive.
Interview with Jeannene Przyblyski, founder of The San Francisco Bureau of Urban Secrets.
The Ghana Think Tank: In 2006, John Ewing, Christopher Robbins and Matey Odonkor formed the Ghana Think Tank in response to their experiences working in international development. We sent a set of US community development briefs to ad-hoc think tanks formed in Ghana, Cuba and El Salvador. The problems addressed in these briefs ranged from broad, societal issues (Homelessness and Obesity) to more personal, light-hearted quandaries (Bo Can’t Dance and Powerpoint). After receiving the think tanks’ solutions, we set about formulating specific plans of actions based on these responses, and began to enact them.
Death and Taxes: a year-long performance project by Isabel Reichert and Sean Fletcher involving a subchapter S-Corporation called Death & Taxes, Inc. This corporation, run by a professional board of directors, took charge of our family’s personal finances in an effort to make our artist lives more profitable. In essence, they privatized their lives.
#class: Jenifer Dalton and William Powhida turn Edward Winkleman Gallery into a ‘think tank’, where they will work with guest artists, critics, academics, dealers, collectors and anyone else who would like to participate to examine the way art is made and seen in our culture and to identify and propose alternatives and/or reforms to the current market system.
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