Happy Holidays!!
December 13th, 2007 by eleanor - blog, tidings
December 13th, 2007 by eleanor - blog, other
It’s been a year! Thank you to all of our initial subscribers, helping us get off the ground.
December 5th, 2007 by eleanor - blog, TPG4
We’ve been getting great responses from TPG4. Since a few of our subscribers have mentioned how much they liked the images we included of Brian’s other failure series prints, I’m posting them here for everyone to enjoy.
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Sorry, 2007 5 Colour Serigraph on paper (detail) Paper Size: 28″ x 22″ Image Size: 5 1/2″ x 8″ edition of 10 |
December 5th, 2007 by eleanor - blog, making of, other, quotes, tidings
I’m trying to get my act together over here, so rather than post all these things I have been thinking about for a long time individually , I’m going to slam bam you in one massive post.
First off, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone’s was wonderful and looked as good as this. Scrumdillyumptious.
As most of you know, or are finding out any day now, #4 is out!! We are very happy to have ended an eventful year with Brian’s work. Here’s a peak at me doing a late night final edit of our letter to our lovely subscribers.
In our travels and travails around, we have come across a few things that I think are worth sharing.
Guerilla Sculpture spotted in Walnut Creek, CA- Sunday, November 18th
We just happened to come across this at the exact right moment, it’s peak. For a moment we didn’t understand or comprehend what was going on- it almost looked like snow, but it was advancing slowly towards us. For a moment while my brain was adjusting, I had a fleeting fear-unknowing, but then I was sooo happy. The bubbles were just billowing out and the wall of foam (at least a foot and a half tall) was slowly creeping across and covering the street. Pretty soon thereafter cars started whizzing through it, sending up huge blasts of “confetti” into the air, and trailing it all down the street.
This reminded me of an article I had been meaning to read for a while in Art Review Digital (Issue 16), entitled “What is Art for?” Here are a couple of quotes from it:
“[Artworks] help contruct my notions of what is possible, open new vistas of interest and have the potential to change who I am and what I think….What they do share is that there is a consequence to looking and thinking about them – a consequence that generates a possibility that was not there before, or was, at least, not available as a possibility to me…and has the potential to affect our social relations – how we choose to behave and what we choose to value.” -Charles Esche
“Art is the best tool we have when it comes to shattering our environment into an infinite number of imaginary tales, forms and space-times….What does seem clear is that art occupies a specific position in the city, and that this position is thus political: it incites its subjects to become active, to refuse the passive position the world of entertainment tries to foist on them. Entertainment places us in front of images to be looked at, while social formatting provides us with frameworks in which we must live. If artistic activity consists of putting these instruments and products back into play, then the observer’s task is, as in tennis, to knock the ball back into the other court.” – Niclolas Bourriaud
I found it interesting that both authors found the ulitmate purpose of art to be social, political. I’ve always liked art, and considered “good” art, anything that has had an affect, one way or another, on me. It is the challenge. A game. Bourriaud insinuates that it is the viewer that absorbs the new world and boundaries that the artist proposes by using that information to define and restrict that very world with new boundaries. Think of all the advertisements showing things floating in glass cubes floating in liquid years after Damien Hirst showed his first floating shark. So what is art for? It keeps the game going, keeps us moving forward.
November 8th, 2007 by eleanor - blog, news
Almost as good as the real thing. Anu Vikram, critic for TPG3, posted photos from her whirlwind tour of this year’s Venice Biennale.
November 1st, 2007 by eleanor - blog, news, TPG2
Xiem Gallery in Pasadena has put on a ceramics show with the theme of Skin. Juried by Paulus Berensohn, and chosen from over 400 entries, Presley Martin (TPG2) has two works in the show.
The show is up from October 13th – November 24th, 2007.
Gallery: 1563 North Lake Avenue Pasadena, CA 91104
Hours: Tuesday- Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday 10am-5pm
October 31st, 2007 by eleanor - blog, news, press
The Present Group is featured in Estates West magazine’s holiday gift guide. We’re one of twenty Glam Gifts “that won’t wind up collecting dust in the back of Millie’s closet.”
October 30th, 2007 by eleanor - blog, news, TPG1
Here’s a link to photos from Ethan’s Anthroptic show at PS122 Gallery in New York:
October 17th, 2007 by eleanor - blog, quotes
“I always think that art, on top of the thing that you are looking at, is a sortof occasion to have a discussion about whatever it is that the art brings to bear, or to light rather.”
-Scott Oliver from An Interview with Scott Oliver and David Lawrence by Frank Prattle from Neighborhood Public Radio
October 3rd, 2007 by eleanor - blog, making of
Brian Stuparyk at work on #4. Looks tasty.
September 27th, 2007 by eleanor - news
September 27th, 2007 by eleanor - news
Lego Hello World
I wish all my printers were made of legos.
LIFE photo archive hosted by Google
Images from Life Magazine going back to 1860′s, hosted by Google
Coming Face To Face With The President
Well crafted story about an under-heard point of view.
In California, Pot Is Now an Art Patron
A new funding source for the arts – reaping big rewards and funding many projects. It’s pot.
Notes on Portraiture in the Facebook Age
Celebrity Book Club: A List to End All Lists
Because, well, it’s sortof awesome.
Are "Artists' Statements" Really Necessary?
The pros and cons about that nemesis for most artists.
This to That
You tell it what you’ve got and it’ll tell you what to glue them together with.
Work of art: Online store for buyers, sellers
Not the TV show! Kelly Lynn Jones from Little Paper Planes is interviewed on her project, gives us a cheat sheet to local affordable art resources.