I recently have gotten back in touch with one of my old sculpture professors at UVA who I think is sortof great and who has now taken on a new name: Boriska (his real name is Bill). Now I know that is an aside, but a good one.
So he sends me stuff now and then about his/UVA’s goings on and this one seems neat:

“Baking Bread Burning Bushâ€
Friday, Halloween, Oct. 31, 2008, 12:00 Noon. Andre Rublev Courtyard of Ruffin Hall, UVA Studio Art, north slope of Carr’s Hill near Beta Bridge
“SSSUN†“Baking Bread Burning Bush†is a performance event where 100+ Mirrors held by 100+ participants will direct the energy of the SUN to Bake Bread and Create Fire. This event is free and open to the public who are invited to participate by bringing a mirror. (The use of 100 mirrors free to first 100 participants)
11:30 AM doors open
12:00 solar oven ignited, bread baked
12:30 PM 100 + mirrors ignite Fire
1:00 PM Bread is eaten and Celebration extends outward throughout the World
Full Sun is required for this event. Cloud cover postpones this event to the next sunny business day: Monday, Nov. 3, Tuesday, Nov. 4 etc.
This event is given to the world by “SSSUN†(Solar Sculptors + Scientists United Now)
Anchored in the UVA Sculpture Department.