David’s Links:

Sunrise, Sunset Calendars and Local Time
South Bay, Los Angeles
La Perruque
New York Public Library Map Division
Other related Links:
Tickets to the Sunset- “A time based solar transaction” They make use of ticketmaster. “Money back guarantee if sun does not set”
Xiu Xiu – The band that David tours with and does projects with
Emily Jacir – an American/Palestinian artist, in her project resulting with the show “Where We Come From” asked other Palestinians from around the world, “If I could do something for you, anywhere in Palestine, what would it be?” The artist used her American passport and its accompanying “freedom of movement” status in an attempt to realize desires of people who have limited or no access to their own nation. The exhibition documents in text, photography and video the artist’s fulfillment of these requests across artificial and dangerous borders.
Josh Greene – Another artist interested in financial transactions spurring actions. Greene’s ongoing Service Works project used one night of tips per month to fund varied small projects
Artists working in 3D:
Vladimir makes Vladmasters. She also has performances. A Vladmaster performance is a simultaneous Vladmaster experience. Every attendee is given a viewer and set of disks and then led through the story by a soundtrack featuring music, narration, sound effects, and ding noises to cue the change from image to image. The CLACK of hundreds of viewers turning simultaneously fills the air. Mass euphoria ensues.

Florence Thomas was an Oregon scluptor who was employed by View Master to create and photograph many clay scenes and dioramas of fairy tales, nursery rhymes, comic strips, and other popular childrens stories. The techniques she developed have been put into use by many major motion picture studios.
Georgette Freeman made “contemporary stereo cards” from 1995 to 2002. Her stereo cards utilize the blank back of the card to put the card in “context” where she creates narratives for the work. She continues to teach classes at the San Francisco Center for the Book.
Viewmaster Resources:
Reel mounts from Fresa Volante – based in San Francisco, they are one of the only remaining reel mount manufacturers.
Oakland Camera Club, Stereo Division meets every third Monday at 7:30 pm.The Oakland Camera Club (OCC) was founded in 1934 and is a member of the Photographic Society of America (PSA) and the Northern California Council of Camera Clubs (N4C).
Viewmaster Resource: A repository of View-Master information-information about the View-Master Personal Stereo camera, printable copies of manuals, printable reproduction packets, and a general resource page with info and links to other related sites.
3D Stereo, Inc.: All sorts of 3-D supplies
3D Center for Art and Photography is a non-profit museum/gallery featuring the best in antique and contemporary 3D imagery. The Center houses everything from antique stereocards to View Master, contemporary 3D photography, lenticulars, anaglyphs, and computer generated 3D art. Apparently the home for 3D is Portland, Oregon.